
Decarbonisation and finance are two different expert domains with very different languages. Unlike in renewable energy development, there has generally been very little contact between decarbonisation and finance professionals given historically small amounts of third-party investment into this field. This means that the two groups speak very different languages and that in order to scale-up investment, it is important to build a common language between the two domains. This section reviews some of the most important concepts and serves to initiate the development of a standard language.

Architects and Engineers


Providers of design and supervision services for new buildings, building services and processes.  Usually operate on a fee for service model using A&E standard contracts and fee structures which traditionally have been based on capital spend.

Building Analytics Companies

Companies that provide software tools to analyse energy use in buildings, either new build or existing buildings. An example is Sefaira.

Behavioural Change Companies

Companies that design and run programmes designed to effect behavioural change.  As well as several specialised consultancies there are a few larger players, notably Opower.


Delivery of energy saving technologies / projects, usually operating on normal contracting principles and models. Essentially, the builders.

Construction Managers

Used on large projects as independent managers to protect clients’ interests.

Deemed Savings

Deemed savings, sometimes referred to as ‘stipulated savings’, is a method which estimates future energy savings on a theoretical basis without requiring performance measurement of an energy efficiency project after implementation. The deemed savings approach has incorrectly been referred to by some as an M&V option, and it has been suggested that EVO add deemed savings as a fifth M&V method in its globally recognised International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). However, since deemed savings does not include the measurement of energy use after implementation, it cannot be considered an M&V method and thus can never be an IPMVP option.

Source: Efficiency Valuation Organization, 2019.

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