Shift to Net Zero

The Shift to Net Zero project aims to accelerate the adoption of private finance in net zero infrastructure development. Since 2021, our consortium of public and private-sector partners has been developing the Net Zero Delivery Vehicle to address challenges specific to smaller local authorities across the UK. More about the NZDV structure can be found in the ‘About NZDV‘ section and by contacting ep group directly. The Shift to Net Zero project is grant-funded as part of the Innovate UK Net Zero Living: Pathfinder Places project.

Introduction to the Platform

The purpose of the Knowledge Sharing Platform is to provide local authorities and others with information, guides and resources to help build their capacity in originating, developing, financing and implementing net zero projects. It is designed to be supplemented and modified as new information, case studies and resources become available. 

The platform is broken into the four sections below to help you quickly navigate to the resources you need.

There is a lot of talk around ‘net zero’, but what does that mean…really?

Learn about the strategic partnership and governance structure for accelerated project delivery

Browse resources for developing, financing, and implementing local net zero projects

See what’s on and access materials from past S2NZ events

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